Friday, September 14, 2007

One week down, many to go!

So we made it through the first week with two kids getting ready and out the door by 7:30am. Jack is doing so much better in the mornings than he did in the afternoons at school. No crying yet!!!!!!!!!!!

Schaefer just walks around the house saying erhs Dack? over and over again. It is really sweet to see him wondering where his big brother is. Then we pick Jack up from school to come home and the real brotherly love begins anew. You know, screaming, hitting, kicking each other off of the sofa etc, etc. Again, so sweet!!

We are thinking that Schaefer is trying to tell us that he is wanting to start the potty training process. He absolutely will not keep his clothes or his diaper on anymore. He strips naked and is saying "poop" a lot. He so far has managed to "poop" on the floor downstairs and has made pee-pee on the hardwood floors a couple of times..Today he did make a very small amount of "poop" in the potty that is now in the family room in front of the tv. All he wanted to do was "wipe" it up himself. OH JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We tried putting pull-ups on him and those also came right off. Next, we tried real underwear. He just giggled and took them right off. So, for now, Schaefer is naked for most of the day and who knows where in my house he has "pooped" or made pee-pee! Just watch your step if you come for a visit....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

It is almost 9pm on Sunday night. Is it the weekend yet? Oh yeah, it just was the weekend. I must have just spent the entire weekend alone with the kids. Isn't that just like the weekdays? Except that I had one extra kid because weekends mean no school...
Oh well!
Jack is starting his first day of the 4 year old preschool class tomorrow morning,yeah!!! It will be interesting to see how smoothly the morning routine goes with getting Megs and Jack ready to leave the house by 7:30am. Say a prayer!!! He seems pretty excited to see his teachers again as they are the same as last year. We'll see how it goes.
WISH US LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

a dirty little affair!

When I heard that a woman can fall in love with an appliance, I always thought that they meant a kinky little "toy" appliance. Now I realize that when they said "dirty" appliance they didn't mean that it was a "dirty" appliance so much as an appliance meant for cleaning up dirt!!! I can officially say that I am having an affair with my vacuum. We see each other three to four times every day and we try to be sneaky so that my youngest doesn't want to "cut in" on our time together!! Although I have to give him a push in the right direction, he is a great cleaner and is constantly picking up around the house. He doesn't even seem to mind the kids always stepping all over him and pushing him around. I can make him be quiet whenever I want and can even just stuff him in the closet for the day!! Now that's what I call LOVE...... Still, I would end the affair in a minute if it meant that Schaefer would end his obsession with dumping boxes of tiny food items such as cocoa krispies and cheerios! Call me crazy, but I think the vacuum's going nowhere for awhile....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My first it goes

My wonderful sister-in-law started blogging not too long ago and I am enjoying reading hers so much that I decided to try it out myself and see how it goes. I hope I can find enough chit-chattable stuff to blab about inbetween toddler rescues and homework woes!! Bear with me until I figure this blogging thing out. Hopefully this will give friends and family a way to keep up with the family goings-ons and pictures, etc. I will do my best to keep up....