Friday, September 7, 2007

a dirty little affair!

When I heard that a woman can fall in love with an appliance, I always thought that they meant a kinky little "toy" appliance. Now I realize that when they said "dirty" appliance they didn't mean that it was a "dirty" appliance so much as an appliance meant for cleaning up dirt!!! I can officially say that I am having an affair with my vacuum. We see each other three to four times every day and we try to be sneaky so that my youngest doesn't want to "cut in" on our time together!! Although I have to give him a push in the right direction, he is a great cleaner and is constantly picking up around the house. He doesn't even seem to mind the kids always stepping all over him and pushing him around. I can make him be quiet whenever I want and can even just stuff him in the closet for the day!! Now that's what I call LOVE...... Still, I would end the affair in a minute if it meant that Schaefer would end his obsession with dumping boxes of tiny food items such as cocoa krispies and cheerios! Call me crazy, but I think the vacuum's going nowhere for awhile....


Tracy said...

Although you can write about it, no one can really understand until they see your "affair" first hand..I think an on looker might have a different name for it..OCD maybe?

Katie said...

Wow. You vacuum three times a day? I think you might just need a dog. They do most of the pick up for you!

But, then they go and get gross face infections. So, maybe not.